Service Organizations Local to our Customers.

Machine servicing is necessary on a periodic basis, and occasionally to address a break down. With machines distributed globally, Getech has developed a service organization, directly and with its partners, located in all of the major areas of the world where manufacturing has significant centers. Factory trained engineers are based in all regions, with access to parts and direct connection to the factory based engineering and service group. Our factory team has an average tenure of more than 7 years, and are experts in the process areas we serve. Customers are invited to train at Getech with their equipment before it ships, at no charge, or we can train on site once a system is installed.

Getech Service Contacts

Please contact the geographically relevant service engineer listed below. Your information is ALWAYS confidential and will never be shared.


Han Wei Wong


Mingdong Zheng

Soon Lee Sin

India, Vietnam, Malaysia

America, Europe

Poh Heng Tan

Warranty Terms

Full parts and labor warranty, failure due to faulty workmanship or defective components for a period of 12 months from date of dispatch at Getech.

Wear and tear parts not covered under warranty. Spindle considered wear part.

Freight charges to be borne by customer for warranty part pickup. Freight for returned parts will be borne by Getech if return parts are requested by Getech for analysis.

Your order is accepted subject to the terms and conditions as stated in the general terms and conditions of contract (available on request).

Machine Obsolescence and support Policy

Getech strives to design and build machines and automation solutions that exceed customer expectations both in terms of production performance and life expectancy.

  • Machinery that is up to 7 years old is supported by parts and technical support as required. Upgrades, parts and services are not part of any warranty contract and are only available for purchase at the prevailing market rates for such items.
  • Machinery that is up to 10 years old is supported by parts and technical support as far as physically possible based on the availability of the parts or equivalent items. However, no guarantee is given or implied. These parts and services are not part of any warranty contract and are only available for purchase at the prevailing market rates for such items.
  • Machinery older than 10 years old is considered technically obsolete and any significant breakdown of the machine could result in a terminal failure. It is highly possible parts are not available to repair the machine. Any parts and services are not part of any warranty contract and are only available for purchase at the prevailing market rates for such items.